Tomorrow is the big day. I'm nervous and I'm not. It comes in waves. I just hope that I am able to relax enough to do my best. I've worked hard and I'm ready for people to see what I have to offer. 2010 is my year! Who knows what possibilities lie before me. I'm so excited for things to come. I still miss college but I'm starting to adjust to this whole real world thing. My job with Theatre Action Project starts next month. I am also moving into my new apt. in Hyde Park as soon as I get back from LA. YES! I will be in LA the 22nd through the 28th and can't wait to see and catch up with everyone. I never thought I would miss that city, but I do. 

I've started writing again. Right now it's just a bunch of ideas but hopefully some stories formulate. 

More to come! 

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    Sarah's Art World

    "There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it."


    January 2010

